Collaborations and Recognition

Common Accord
The objective of the Common Accord (CAs) is to develop a global network of conformity assessment bodies. This includes certification bodies, testing and calibration laboratories, and inspection bodies, which can be relied on to provide competent services, such as certification activities, testing, calibration and inspection. Key to international trade, the CAs promote cross border stakeholder confidence and the acceptance of accredited conformity assessment bodies.
Benefit from CAs?
IDA’s signatory status in the CAs is a global passport for business tycoon. There is no need for duplicative re-testing, re-inspection or re-calibration of goods upon entry to importing countries. Moreover, government agencies these days rely more on results from accredited facilities as well as those of the CAs partners, as they begin to realize the credibility of accreditation programmes that are based on internationally recognized standards.
How do CAs work?
An CAs is based on the results of intensive peer evaluation of its signatories. The accreditation body to the CAs must agree to abide by the requirements in ISO/IEC 17011: Conformity assessment -General Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies. They must ensure that the conformity assessment bodies that they accredit conform to standards, such as ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 for laboratories, ISO/IEC 17020 for inspection bodies, and ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17021 for accreditation of certification bodies.
How to Recognize Accredited Reports & Certificates?
Once a laboratory or inspection body becomes accredited, it is granted exclusive use of the logo belonging to the particular accreditation body that issued its accreditation. The accredited body can only refer to its accreditation according to the respective tests, calibration or inspection. For easier recognition across borders.
International Membership
Signatories to regional and international RAs are subject to regular and stringent multi-national peer evaluations. The purpose is to verify signatories’ continual conformance with the internationally accepted criteria. These peer evaluations ensure consistent accreditation practices and facilitate the exchange of information and experience among the signatories.
IDA has developed a number of formal relationships with international/regional organizations. Some of them include World Accreditation Forum (WAF).
Simplified Access to Enlarged Customer Base
- Cutting your foreign market penetration costs due to the elimination, reduction or simplification of customs duties and processes and regulatory requirements;
- Optimization of your supply chain by dealing with suppliers from countries under the international agreement with your country;
- Optimization of your production operations by moving it abroad partially or completely;
- Simplified access to foreign investors and financial institutions to satisfy financing needs better;
- Simplified access to foreign labor force and simplified access of your employees to target markets.