Mission and Strategic Outcomes

Our Mission And Strategic Outcomes


To create an impartial and transparent mechanism for organizations to independently demonstrate their com­petence and facilitate the beneficial exchange of goods, services and knowledge, and provide a service that is recognized as equitable to best international practice while reflecting the demographics of Europe in all that we do.

Strategic Outcomes

IDA’s focus areas include strengthening accreditation services by developing new accreditation programmes for emerging areas and administering the various accreditation schemes and registration programme under its umbrella. IDA strives to increase the adoption and conversion of accredited TIC services through regular engagements with the public agencies and major procurers. Through accreditation, IDA recognizes, maintains and improves the standard of conformity assessment activities. It also forges Common Accord (CAs) with regional and international bodies Regional Accord (RAs) to facilitate trade.

Impartiality Policy

IDA is committed to safeguarding and assuring the impartiality of its accreditation activities at strategic and operational levels. IDA will not allow commercial, financial and other pressures to compromise impartiality. IDA ensures its committees operate with balanced views and representations from key stakeholders and interested parties, without permitting any one interest to predominate or receive favor.


IDA is a not-for-profit establishment. IDA’s main source of revenue is from fees collected from conformity assessment bodies as well as its training activities.

Testing, Inspection, Certification

Aviation & Aerospace

Construction & Built Environment

Digital / ICT

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Energy & Chemicals

Environment & Sustainability

Retail / Wholesale Trade

Marine & Offshore Engineering

Land Transport

Food Manufacturing & Services


Precision Engineering & Industry 5.1

Healthcare & Biomedical Engineering